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Corcovado National Park
Sirena & San Pedrillo Station – Overnight + Full Day

Explore Corcovado National Park, 2.5% of the biodiversity of the world.
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6 am


3 pm


Explore with us one of the most intense places on earth in flora and fauna. A mixed overnight tour with two stations of the national park Corcovado. Enjoy a lot of the secondary forest of Sirena Station and the next day learn about the old wild primary forest of San Pedrillo Station




Day 1: 
The adventure starts at 6:00am from Drake Bay. We take around 1 hour by boat to get to Sirena Station. There we will hike for around 30 minutes to the ranger station to leave our luggage at our sleeping accommodation. Our first hike after that will be around 3,5 hours in the secondary forest to spot wildlife. We might spot different kinds of monkeys, peccaries, anteaters, coatis, and maybe a tapir. During our lunchtime break at the station, you can rest for 2 hours. In the afternoon we will have another 3 hours hike to see more animals. At the ending of the day we will watch the sunset from the beach. Dinner will be at 7 p.m. at the station.

Day 2: 
We wake up at 4:30am in the morning to go to a 2,5 hours hike. At 7:30 a.m. is breakfast at the station. At 8:30 am we go out for the next hike to see one more different trail of Sirena Station. The boat will pick us up around 11:30am to go to San Pedrillo Station. There we will have our lunch at the ranger station or a Box Lunch. The second hike we will take to the primary forest, enjoying the majestic nature, learning more about the ecosystem from tropical rain forest and see plants and trees of the majestic 2000 years old nature. We will end up at a waterfall with swimming holes to enjoy the sounds of mother nature.
After a half hour boat drive we will be back in Drake Bay between 3pm and 4pm.





Everyday -
according to availabity

National park fees 

• Boat transportation 
• 2x Lunch, 1x Dinner, 1x Breakfast
• Accommodation at Sirena Station
• Bilingual certified Tour Guide

incl. Telescope and binoculars




Hiking shoes


• Sun cream

• Sunglasses

• Hat / head covering

• Mosquito repellent

• Towel

• Swimming suit

• Drinking water(refillable at the station, plastic bottles and glass bottles from the supermarket are NOTallowed in the park)

• Camera

• Waterproof bag

• Flashlight

• Personal belongings for overnight

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